Штампованный английский – 15





He yelled. (вопил)


She screamed. (визжала)


I whispered. (шептал)


We chatted. (трепались)


He mumbled. (бормотал)


My kids whined. (хныкали)


He rambled. (нудил)


He went on and on. (болтал без умолку)


She stammered. (запинался, заикался)


I snapped at my husband. (цыкнула)


He muttered. (ворчал)






Выражение лица




She was beaming. (сияла)


The kids were smiling from ear to ear.


He looked puzzled. (слитым с толку)


She grinned. (ухмылялась)


He winced when the doctor gave him an injection. (поморщился)


She gave me a dirty look. (сердито)


She blushed. (покраснела)


His eyes were glazed over. (остекленели)


Why the long face? (в смысле «Чего такой кислый?»)


Her expression was unreadable. (непроницаемое)












They got off on the wrong foot. (не сошлись)


He got on the teacher’s bad side.


She took offense at his comment. (обиделась)


He has a chip on his shoulder. (обидчивый)


She got bent out of shape. (обиделась)


He left in a huff.


She got her panties in a wad.


He has a short fuse. (вспыльчивый)


She dissed my mother.


He got his nose out of joint. (обиделся)








Неудачная поездка




My flight was overbooked. (самолёт был битком)


My flight was delayed/canceled.


My luggage was lost.


I was jet-lagged. (с трудом акклиматизировался)


My hotel was in a seedy area. (в небезопасном месте)


I was mugged. (ограблен на улице)


The weather was miserable.


I got the runs. (увы, понос)


The place was a tourist trap. («китайщина»)


I couldn’t wait to get back home.






Застолье (с алкоголем)




It’s on me. (в смысле «Я угощаю»)


I’d like to make a toast.


Here’s to… (+ местоимение или существительное)! (в смысле «За…»)


Another round of drinks, please.


Put it on my tab. (tab – счёт, который оплачивается при выходе)


He’s a bit tipsy. (в смысле «Он слегка под мухой»)


He’s completely sloshed/wasted/plastered. (в смысле «в зюзю»)


She’s trying to drown her sorrows. (в смысле «залить грусть»)


I’m the designated driver. (в смысле не просто «Я за рулём», но «Я везу народ»)


I had a hangover = I was hung over отходняк»)










It’s as light as a feather.


It’s as dry as a bone.


It’s as flat as a pancake.


He’s as mad as a hornet.


It’s as old as the hills.


It’s as quick as lightning.


She’s as sick as a dog.


He’s as strong as an ox.


They’re as different as night and day.


She’s as stubborn as a mule.


He’s as proud as a peacock.


She’s as white as a sheet.


It’s as solid as a rock.


It’s as good as new. (обычно, после ремонта)


It’s as clear as mud.




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